Sikora Celebrates Walt Disney’s Birthday

December 5, 1901, Walt Disney was born. In 2013, his name is still one of the biggest in entertainment.  His passion, his imagination, his creative fibers that inspired millions around him helped shape the name Disney to become a timeless brand.  Sikora, who has always said his first inspiration was Walt, made a video on Instagram today that you just have to watch!

“As a child, I wanted to become a Disney animator, being infatuated with everything Disney, I asked for a drawing table for Christmas, worked on sketches, did anything I could to bring my world to life.  At twelve, I started using the family camcorder and filming my own movies, taught myself stop motion animation and started animating digitally with my Super Nintendo game, Mario Paint. I would recreate scenes from my favorites Disney movies and film the television screen with a stereo playing the music in the background; then I would sit my entire family down to watch.  Walt Disney and his pal, Mickey Mouse, have been the biggest inspiration to my career.  Ever since I was a kid, I had the same dream…SHOW THE WORLD MY IMAGINATION, and that is what I strive for everyday.”  Sikora said.

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